How to Get Your Member ID
Michigan Office of Retirement Services sent this bulletin at 09/13/2012 05:40 PM EDT
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How to Get Your Member ID
ORS sent personalized letters to eligible members advising them to go to for access to the resources they need to learn about the 2012 MPSERS Reform and make their election. The letters also provided each member with their Member ID in the upper right corner. If anyone still needs to receive their Member ID, they can request that it be mailed to them.
HOW? |
WATCH the miAccount login tutorial. You'll find step-by-step registration instructions and help on what to do if you are having troubles logging in.
Members can use miAccount’s secure Message Board to correspond with a representative.
Our shared goal is to make sure that every Michigan public school employee makes the retiree healthcare and pension election that best meets their future financial and healthcare needs.